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Services & History

We provide store and restaurant owners with POS (Point of Sale) computer systems as well as a vast selection of other POS products for home and office business needs. For the POS systems, we provide the service of installing the computer hardware and the pcAmerica Restaurant Pro Express and/or the pcAmerica Cash Register Express. We are a licensed distributor for pcAmerica as well as a partner with Hewlett Packard and Ingram Micro. We also provide merchant processing services as well as miscellaneous business consulting services for bilingual and English-speaking clients.

In addition, we provide complete and thorough IT tech support to all of our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This support includes start-up training, troubleshooting, bilingual assistance, data capturing, and any other miscellaneous support required for technical issues and services.

Another service we offer is PC software repair and optimization for viruses, malware, slow computers, and more.  Our team of experienced computer technitions is able to remove any virus or other type of malware.  Also they know many methods of making computers with Microsoft Windows run faster with only a few minutes of work.

Skinner Communications Inc is a small company that was born in Vancouver, WA in May of 2000, doing business translation work (Spanish/English) for companies such as Northwest Pipe Company and Precision Print. To say the least, Skinner Communications has been involved in numerous diverse tasks, always connecting the Hispanic and American communities to reach their goal of effective communication.

After the year 2000, Skinner Communications branched out into private Spanish tutoring for executives, such as those from Columbia Machine in Vancouver, Washington and the international pre-paid cell phone company, Vesta, based in Tigard, Oregon. In addition, Skinner Communications has represented people with interpreting services in hospitals, clinics and corporate offices. Today, Skinner Communications has more than 300 customers in the states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho.


We provide POS (Point of Sale) computer systems, as well as other products from various manufacturers including Hewlett-Packard, Epson, and Elo TouchSystems. We also provide pcAmerica software Restaurant Pro Express and Cash Register Express. We are currently Ingram Micro Authorized Reseller.


Skinner Communications es una compañia que nació en Vancouver, Washington en Mayo del  año 2000, haciendo trabajos de traducción ( Español a Inglés e Ingles a Español ) para diversas compañías tales como Northwest Pipe Company y Precision Print. Skinner Communications ha estado involucrada proveyendo diversos servicios, siempre conectando las comunidades Hispana e Americana para asistirles a alcanzar una fuerte y efectiva forma de comunicación.

Después del año 2000, Skinner Communications se expandió a proveer enseñanza privada ( Private Tutoring ) a ejecutivos de alto nivel tales como Columbia Machine de Vancouver, Washington y Vesta de Tigard, Oregon. Además, Skinner Communications ha representado personal en hospitales, clínicas y oficinas corporativas. También ha estado involucrado en boletines anuales y semestrales de compañías como Northwest Pipe para mantener informados a miles de hispanos en diferentes estados americanos y mexicanos. Hoy en día cuenta con más de 300 clientes en los estados de Washington, Oregon, Idaho y California al momento  dando y ofreciendo sevicios de POS ( Point of Sale ) Computadoras para negocios diversos en el punto de pago y servicios de comunicación diversa a negocios de todo tipo. También somos distribuidores autorizados con PC America, un POS Sofware para compañías en la industria restaurantera y tiendas. 


Nosotros proveemos sistemas de computadoras de POS (Punto de Venta) de Hewlett Packard Ap5000 entre otros. También proveemos software de PC America, Cash Register Express Pro y Restaurant Pro Express, Aldelo y POSX.

Servimos a Propietarios de tiendas y restaurantes con productos de Hewlett Packard POS sistemas de computadoras al tacto.